Convert String to Int asnumeric and Back Again R

Convert Data Frame Column to Numeric in R (2 Examples) | Change Gene, Character & Integer

In this R tutorial, I'll explain how to convert a information frame column to numeric in R. No matter if you need to modify the course of factors, characters, or integers, this tutorial will show you lot how to exercise it.

The article is structured every bit follows:

  • Creation of Example Information in R
  • Convert 1 Column to Numeric (Example i)
  • Convert Multiple Columns to Numeric (Example 2)
  • Farther Resources for Handling Information Types

Let's dive right in!

Create Example Data

Outset we demand to create some data in R that we tin can apply in the examples later on on:

data                <-                data.                frame                (x1                =                c(                one,                5,                8,                ii                ),                # Create example data frame                x2                =                c(                3,                2,                5,                two                ),                    x3                =                c(                2,                vii,                1,                ii                )                )                information$x1                <-                every bit                .                factor                (data$x1)                # First column is a factor                data$x2                <-                as                .                character                (data$x2)                # Second column is a character                data$x3                <-                as                .                integer                (data$x3)                # Third column is an integer                data                # Print data to RStudio console              

data <- data.frame(x1 = c(1, five, eight, 2), # Create example data frame x2 = c(3, two, five, 2), x3 = c(ii, 7, 1, 2)) information$x1 <- as.factor(data$x1) # First column is a gene data$x2 <- as.character(information$x2) # Second column is a character information$x3 <- as.integer(data$x3) # Third column is an integer data # Print data to RStudio panel

Yous tin can run into the structure of our instance data frame in Table ane. The data contains 3 columns: a factor variable, a character variable, and an integer variable.

Example Data with Factor, Character and Integer Data Type

Tabular array i: Example Data Frame with Gene, Character & Integer Variables.

We tin check the class of each cavalcade of our data table with the sapply office:

sapply(data,                class                )                # Get classes of all columns                #       x1          x2          x3                                # "factor" "character"   "integer"              

sapply(data, class) # Go classes of all columns # x1 x2 x3 # "cistron" "character" "integer"

The data is set up, so allow's movement on to the examples…

Example one: Convert One Variable of Data Frame to Numeric

In the first example I'm going to catechumen simply one variable to numeric. For this task, we tin utilize the following R code:

information$x1                <-                as                .                numeric                (                as                .                character                (information$x1)                )                # Catechumen ane variable to numeric              

data$x1 <- as.numeric(as.character(data$x1)) # Convert one variable to numeric

Note: The previous code converts our factor variable to character first and so it converts the graphic symbol to numeric. This is of import in lodge to retain the values (i.due east. the numbers) of the factor variable. You can learn more about that in this tutorial.

However, let's cheque the classes of our columns over again to run into how our data has inverse:

sapply(information,                grade                )                # Get classes of all columns                #        x1          x2          x3                                # "numeric" "graphic symbol"   "integer"              

sapply(information, class) # Get classes of all columns # x1 x2 x3 # "numeric" "grapheme" "integer"

As we wanted: The factor column was converted to numeric.

If you need more explanation on the R syntax of Instance 1, y'all might have a look at the post-obit YouTube video. In the video, I'm explaining the previous R programming lawmaking in some more than detail:

Example ii: Change Multiple Columns to Numeric

In Example i we used the as.numeric and the as.character functions to modify 1 variable of our example information. All the same, when we desire to change several variables to numeric simultaneously, the approach of Example 1 might be too slow (i.e. besides much programming). In this example, I'm therefore going to show you how to change as many columns as y'all desire at the same time.

First, we need to specify which columns we want to modify. In this example, we are converting columns 2 and 3 (i.e. the character string and the integer):

i                <-                c(                2,                three                )                # Specify columns you want to change              

i <- c(2, 3) # Specify columns you want to alter

Nosotros can now use the employ part to change columns 2 and 3 to numeric:

data[                , i]                <-                apply(data[                , i],                2,                # Specify own function within employ                part(x)                every bit                .                numeric                (                as                .                character                (x)                )                )              

data[ , i] <- apply(information[ , i], two, # Specify ain office within use function(x) as.numeric(as.grapheme(x)))

Let's bank check the classes of the variables of our data frame:

sapply(information,                course                )                # Get classes of all columns                #        x1        x2        x3                                # "numeric" "numeric" "numeric"              

sapply(data, class) # Go classes of all columns # x1 x2 x3 # "numeric" "numeric" "numeric"

The whole data frame was converted to numeric!

Further Resources

Converting variable classes in R is a complex topic. I have therefore listed some additional resource about the Modification of R data classes in the following.

If you desire to learn more almost the basic data types in R, I can recommend the following video of the Data Camp YouTube channel:

Also, you lot could have a wait at the following R tutorials of this homepage:

  • How to Convert Factor to Numeric
  • How to Convert Character to Numeric
  • Convert Factor to Graphic symbol
  • type.catechumen R Function
  • List of Useful R Functions
  • The R Programming Language

I hope you liked this tutorial! Permit me know in the comments if you have whatever further questions and of cause I am also happy about general feedback.


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